Monday, April 28, 2008

Freaky Friday & Baptism

So last night the NHL playoff game was over, I had seen the episodes of Gangland, What Not To Wear, and Spongebob Square Pants that were on (variety is the spice of life) so I just kept flipping around. Found Freaky Friday with Jamie Lee Curtis. Yeah, movie snobs think the original was better, but I get a kick out of this one. There is one scene that I wanted to mention; where Jamie's character (after the flip) is on a TV show to promote her book, and the teenage daughter inhabiting her starts going off 'on the problem with everyone is that they don't let loose'. So she starts asking the "elderly" audience if they saw a really hot guy what would they do? And she starts waving her hands and yelling "woo hoo", over and over. Funny stuff.

So how does that tie to Baptism? If you have been to a Wednesday night youth spontaneous baptism experience you know. I directed IMAG for Wednesday night a couple of weeks ago, baptism night. What a party it was! Watching not only the kids getting baptized, but seeing and HEARING the reaction of their friends and fellow youth. Cheers, screams, lots of clapping and shouting praises, and lots of 'woo hoo's'. These kids, and the adults there too, were genuinely excited to see this step of obedience and faith and simply could not hold it in. Kids not prepared to be baptized were moved to be, street clothes and all. As Pastor Randy (PR) said "imagine if this is happening here, what the party in Heaven is like tonight". It was not a night that the Church Lady would be comfortable with....

This weekend at ALC is baptism weekend. PR is speaking, and the baptism is open. We have seen tremendous response to the Holy Spirit this year with 120 people having been baptized so far. I am sure each and every one of those responses prompted a giant 'woo hoo' in Heaven.

So how will you react this weekend? Are you with the Church Lady or are you feeling a bit Freaky Friday? Are you going to quietly whisper "isn't that special", or are you willing to wave your hands around and give a shout?

Epilogue: Finished blogging but had not reread it, so I just saved this as a draft. I like to think about what I wrote, to see if God changes my mind! So I'm telling the family about this weekend and that PR is preaching and its baptism weekend. What does my daughter do? Simply raises her hands and says "woo hoo". I had not mentioned this blog at all. That is what I call "weird"!

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