Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Where do I start?

Wow...where do I begin to blog and what do I blog about? When I decided to start a blog, I came up with a ton of topics and questions. Now which to go blog first?

I decided to start with what I hope will be a weekly post: 'Sermon Says'. Sort of like Simon Says, a game we all played as kids. You know, the leader shouts instructions and when he/she says "Simon Says" do this, you do it. No questioning why, you just do it. Sermon Says takes a different tact, instead of just doing what I hear during a weekend service, I'll take time to think about it and maybe throw out a question or two? Your free to answer the question, add a question of your own, or just silently contemplate what Jesus is speaking to you. So here goes, Sermon Says #1

This weekends message can be heard here: . It is from the series Absolutely! from Abundant Life Church in Happy Valley, OR. Pastor George spoke on "Is Jesus Coming Back". Check out the very cool video intro to the message that was done in Pioneer Square. Random people giving some very interesting points of view on the question.

Pastor George (PG) talked about going out to TeamQuest in Gresham, an MMA training school run by Matt Lindland. I love me's some fighting, MMA, wrestling, boxing, any of it. You can catch Sportfight on Comcastsportsnet (channel 37), a show with great potential, but lacking a bit in production values (oops, off topic, focus, focus). PG talked about getting the chance to wrestle a few rounds and being absolutely exhausted after two or three bouts. In fact, he said he just wanted to quit; "just pin me" he said to his opponent. PG's point was this: you have to fight on, you can't quit.

This really spoke to me. In the last six months I have been through a ton of personal battles, all stemming from my own sinful desires and actions that took place over several years. It has been tough going, looking inside yourself, deep inside yourself, to let God get to every nook and cranny of your being to do the deep cleaning He desires. Some days have been great, I feel God not only cleansing, but restoring. I sense His delight, His love, His grace. Other days, not so good. I feel exhausted from the pummeling the enemy lets loose with. It is like an MMA fighter that is on his back, being riden by his opponent, who is throwing punches, reigning down elbows and letting loose a torent of knees to your ribs. Rest for just a moment and you will feel his arms slip around your neck for a choke hold. In the blink of an eye you will tap out. It's over. Done. You have lost. But you were just too worn to go on.

But I am finding that at that exact moment, when all my strength is gone, when my hand is about to hit the mat to tap, then true victory and healing takes place. For I can defend no more. I can fend off not another body blow. The very air I need to survive is being cut off. My whole being: exposed. And HE is all I can rely on. HIS strength, HIS power, HIS victory. It is then that I remember: the war was already won, and Christ stands victorious over all.

Now I know PG meant what he said: don't give up. Honest, I get personal involvement in walking with Christ. I know relationship with Jesus is interactive and true community. But for me personally, I have to change what PG said, just a bit. For me, it is Give Up...To Him. Stop fighting my own battles and let Him. Stop trying to change others, let Him change me. Stop struggling for a victory that is already there; freedom in Christ. Stop, stop, just stop. I find myself at times fighting battles He does not want me to fight; trying for victories that He does not find important in the scheme of being made whole in Him; and trying to change people, because looking deep inside myself for change can be painful and ugly. And He quietly says to me: "Stop. Rest in me".

Two things I hold onto:

  1. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil 4:13)
  2. My God is a God of Hope (Rom 15:13)

What more do I need? I have hopes and God given dreams. I am not alone in these dreams. How others respond is up to them...and Him. For me, I'll simply try to keep my back off the mat.

Wow...that took time. First blog down. Thought it went well. But then again, like the title of the blog page, maybe I'm just 'Nuts to you'

Your thoughts?

1 comment:

jenzai said...

Wow! Great blog! Keep on going!