Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Lights Action Camera

So I was very excited to hear that Lord Save Us From Your Followers was playing at The Hollywood theater this week. Of course I loved the book, and the reviews in both Willamette Week and Portland Mercury were positive...well as positive as you would expect from those pubs. Not exactly the bastions all that is good and holy....but they do let you know what is happening in Portland. Stuff we all should be aware about (think about reading those as you watch Lord Save Us and see the Family Fued clip)

Well it exceeded my expectations. A good turnout...even Dan himself (who looks much slimmer in black then in the white bumper sticker suit, mentioned that to him and he said he was learning! Funny guy). Even got a bumper sticker out of the evening. The movie is well produced, paced just right and gets the message across without being preachy...which the movie certainly is. But that's a good thing. I was challenged again and again as I watched, just as I was from reading the book, to review my thoughts, my attitudes and my Jesus (or the Jesus I have as opposed to the real Jesus...sometimes not quite the same guy). There is no way you can watch this movie and not be moved.

This film should be must viewing by all those that call themselves followers of Christ. Get out and see the movie! Costs $10 per person, but a large popcorn is only $3.50 and pop is $1.50. But as the commercial says, the movie: priceless

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Dreaded Laugh Track

Leave it to good ol' Roger to stir up all kinds of trouble! If you know Roger, you know that when he leads a bible study, it is like seeing a whole meal in front of you, yet only getting one piece of meat at a time to chew on, and chew on, and chew on. While some like to gobble down their food, I love to eat this way. Well at least in bible study...see me at the Round Table Buffet and it is gobble gobble gobble, (but I'll save gluttony for another time).

So Rog ask the question: can you be a Christian and not love other Christians? It comes from Ephesians 1:15For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints. After some discussion about what love is, we generally said love is a choice we make and that we don't have to like others, but we must love them (specifically believers). So I left feeling pretty good, nice and warm inside (could have been the Starbucks). Wouldn't you just know it. No sooner had I got a few blocks down the road when that weird Jesus guy starts stirring things up. "Love huh? That's a tough one." Heard Him clear as day. "Lord, you know, I don't have it down pat. But I choose to love, but I don't like everyone". Don't you hate laugh tracks on TV? Kind of what I heard right then. Yep, the sound I'm getting pretty familiar with...God's laugh. "Yeah, about that..." He said. Know I know enough that when God says 'Yeah, about that...." that there is a whole lot more He is going to be saying in the coming days. And this was no exception. I knew right away what I was supposed to do: go straight to the Word and look up the verses on love. And there are a ton. So I'll just jot down a few choice ones God laid out for me:

  1. 1John3:16This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. Put that together with Romans 5:6-8 and you have the truest action ever of love. "So you don't like someone, but you love them enough to lay down your life for them? Tell me how that is working out for you?"
  2. 17If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Then for good measure, God has me read Mathew 25:31-46, the sheep and the goats. Go ahead, take a look at that one...I dare you...I double dog dare you. "About those assets of yours you important are those for you to hang on to when others have needs? Not important? Than why do you still hold onto them so tightly?"
  3. 18Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. "Tell me how you love when you gossip, when you talk negative about someone in the name of 'caring', when you say 'how are you' and don't really care enough to hear the answer or see the hurt in their eyes. Tell me how you don't like someone but can overcome that to love them with actions? And do it with total love, not begrudgingly...."
  4. 1 Cor 13:1 If I speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy but don't love, I'm nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate. The Message translation."So how is that christianese working for you? Are your actions matching your words? " And I can see Jesus reaching to hand me a can of WD-40!
  5. Col 3:12-14 So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It's your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it (Message). "How's that wardrobe of yours doing? Want to talk about 'quiet strength? (uh no, I don't said I). How about forgiving quickly? How about forgiving completely? How about forgiving as I forgave you? Not when you want to, but all the time. Did you see my word? It said all-purpose garment. Never be without it.".

Well that was all that God said I needed to work on. He said I had all the other lover verses down pat. Opps, there is that laugh track again! Okay, maybe after the five above, God decided to have mercy and stop me from reading more. It was plenty to think about and work on.

Bottom line? I fool myself by thinking I love people but don't like them. I disguise my judgemental attitude by calling it 'dislike'. I don't have patience for people 'not like me' and say 'we just have our differences' when in fact I think the differences make them 'strange'. I have issues against people that have hurt me and I shove it down in my spirit and say 'not a big deal', when in reality it is unforgiveness...a huge deal. I am so often clothed in my own thoughts, desires, lusts and hurts that I never even bother consider putting on my all purpose garment. And off I go to church, work, family gatherings, etc...And I wonder why my life so often yields no fruit. Why my witness for Christ is so unpowerful. Why my prayers go unanswered.

I can remember singing 'and they will know we are Christians by our love'. And I have to ask myself: will they?

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Sorry, I didn't hear you the first fifty times you asked

Okay, someone out there has to know the answer to this. From 1 Samuel 17:
25 Now the Israelites had been saying, "Do you see how this man keeps coming out? He comes out to defy Israel. The king will give great wealth to the man who kills him. He will also give him his daughter in marriage and will exempt his father's family from taxes in Israel." 26 David asked the men standing near him, "What will be done for the man who kills this Philistine and removes this disgrace from Israel? Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?" 27 They repeated to him what they had been saying and told him, "This is what will be done for the man who kills him."
28 When Eliab, David's oldest brother, heard him speaking with the men, he burned with anger at him and asked, "Why have you come down here? And with whom did you leave those few sheep in the desert? I know how conceited you are and how wicked your heart is; you came down only to watch the battle."
29 "Now what have I done?" said David. "Can't I even speak?" 30 He then turned away to someone else and brought up the same matter, and the men answered him as before. 31 What David said was overheard and reported to Saul, and Saul sent for him.

So here is the question: why did David keep asking what would be done for the man who kills Goliath? Now don't get me wrong, David was extremely brave to even consider taking on the giant Goliath. He knew God had set him apart for great things. Yet he asked over and over what would he get for taking out Goliath. In vs 26 David had just arrived at the front lines and maybe didn't have his wireless Internet connection hooked up yet, so he had not heard what the Israelites had been saying. But catch that: 'had been saying'. This was not an advertisement that ran one time, the phrasing is plural, as in repeated over and over. So even if Davids Internet was down, surely he would have heard about it. I mean the newspapers had to have been swamped with 10'6" giant pictures on page 1. And if he hadn't heard about it, what would prompt David to even ask such a question? But then David gets scolded by his brother, yet turns away and asks the question AGAIN! So what gives? Seems like a case of David checking out the ROI for the battle. Can't you see David saying to himself "Hmmmm.....kill the giant and get wealth, tax free status...and a wife! Okay, I'm in.". Now if it was different: "Hmmmm, kill the giant and get a Grande Mocha for the price of a Tall." Maybe David puts away his slingshot and moves back to the sheep.

See, I don't get it! If David KNEW God had set him up for greatness that God was with him, then why the question? Why was the reward important, and not just doing the right thing? Surely I would never, and have never, done an ROI on what God was asking me to do. Not me...I just up and do the right thing. I never weigh what is in it for me against the value of my all important time and energy. Risk vs Reward...totally foreign concept to me.

Or not. Maybe I do get it, but don't want to admit it. "God this is going to be tough, a real war. What do I get in return." Likely have asked that many times in my head. I can't prove it, and the Word does not say, at least for me to understand, but David might be asking that question. I know there is lots of me in David....lust (Bathsheba), shame (his murder of Uriah and cover up). Yet I know there is another part of David in me...the fact that God's destination and will for me will be done. That nothing I have done will keep me from God's role for me, if I turn from my wicked ways and acknowledge him. God is a graceful God, a forgiving God, a God who is not interested in covering up my sin to 'protect His image', but is interested in the total healing and restoration of me. God is good, all the time. All the time, He is good.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

On the lighter side...

Today I was paid a great compliment at work. One of the sales managers said I reminded him of Jim Halpert! You know, the guy on The Office, my favorite TV show (although it has been close to jumping the shark at times this year). As Pam would say "it was a great day".

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Friend or Foe

Lots of questions have been rolling through my head lately about friends; more specifically what makes a good friend. With some of the things I have gone through since last November, I have learned that some people I thought were friends were not, or at least did not know how to show their friendship in tough times. At the Thursday morning men's bible study, I overheard someone ask why certain characteristics of the world were becoming so common in the church (general church, not a specific church). I think one of the reasons is that we don't understand or are afraid of being a true friend.
One of the lessons God is teaching me is that a true friend speaks up with correction. Mathew 18:14-16 talks about going to a brother that has hurt you and "work it out between the two of you. If he listens, you've made a friend."(Message) Unfortunately what I see happening too often in the church is what I read on on How To Be A Supportive Friend. Their main points to be a 'friend': (parenthesise are notes taken from their list)
  1. Your job is to listen (you are not required to do anymore than listen)
  2. Only give feedback when asked (be general, suggest he/she meditate on it, reflect back to her what she is saying so she can discover for her the best course of action)
  3. If you can't be there, be honest (if your too emotionally upset with your own life, tell your "friend" you can't listen right now)

Sounds a bit milk toast to me. To me, a friend does so much more than listen. They encourage, they laugh and cry with me, they give me wisdom from their life experiences, they direct me to other sources of help/wisdom/understanding. And one of the most important aspects to me, a true friend does not hold their tongue when I'm wrong...which is often! I want, and have even encouraged, my friends to be bold and blunt with me, to not be a 'yes' man, or to remain silent when they see danger or sin ahead. I don't want them to be a 'supportive friend' that sees me making bad choices, even unbiblical choices, and says 'whatever you decide I will be there for you'. I want a friend that rises up and says "uh no, that's wrong, or against Gods word, or folly, or just plain dumb". A true friend will say "you hurt me". They will say "we need to make this right".

I love David. There is so much to glean from his life, the good and the bad. Recently I heard PG talk about David and Bathsheba. Something really struck me as I read 2Samuel 11 and 12. Read it with an eye towards how many people had to know what David was doing. Sure, there were not security cameras everywhere, but there would have been palace guards all over the place! Don't you think that there were lookouts on the roof of the palace where David drooled over the sight of Bathsheba bathing? Yet no one said "hey, Davey boy, maybe you shouldn't be peaking that way right now." Who else would have known of the goings on with Bathsheba? How about the messengers sent to bring her to David? Chambermaids that would have made the bed the next morning? Servants who would have brought them food? Guards that were surely stationed right outside the Kings bedroom doors for protection as he slept? How about Joab, the military leader who helped plan the death of Uriah? The list would be huge (political note, maybe like the amount of Secret Service that had to know about Monica....). But they said nothing! Why? Okay, fear of death was the likely reason, but even with that possibility, wouldn't one person stand up to David and say "You're the man!" Nathan was just that man. But he didn't stop with the "you're the man" statement. Read 2Samuel 12:7-12. Wow, he let loose a bunch of stuff. Tough stuff that blew David away. The great and mighty King was faced with the truth. And how did David respond? He had Nathan killed right then and there! No, only kidding. He said "I have sinned against God". Nathan was what I call a friend. He knew David could have him killed, tossed in the slammer forever, etc, etc. But he knew the right thing to do, what God would have him to do. He had to point out to David the error of his ways. No 'Gee Dave, maybe the lust and murder aren't the best way to go, but I'll support you whatever you decide to do here'. What would David have become if Nathan had not spoken up?

Don't misunderstand me. I think support is critical. It has kept me going, especially the last eight months. But I think sometimes that people want to say things to me, but don't want to risk losing that friendship. So they smile and nod their head, supporting me outwardly while struggling inwardly. If you read this and have thought that, I encourage you to be bold. Talk to me, correct me, be a true friend.

There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.....