Thursday, May 8, 2008


Do you ever hear someone say something and immediately in your mind goes 'wow, I have to digest that some more. There's great stuff there'. So I have noted a few items that have stopped me in my tracks the last two weeks. Take a read and let them simmer and rumble around in your spirit for a bit.
  • When folks give up on you, He will wait for you. Pastor Ted Roberts
  • Preach the gospel always, and when necessary use words. St Francis of Assisi
  • Everybody in the world understands what Jesus was teaching, except for Christians Gandhi
  • We're never as right as we think we are; we're never as wrong as we think we are. Tony Campolo
  • I can see how you would want to do a ministry that is fun, not a ministry that is such hard work. Bruce N

Each of those spoke (and is still speaking, rather loudly I might add) to me the last two weeks. The gem by Bruce is the catalyst for my blog tonight, but its still stewing around in me! Check back later.....

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